The best boredom busters to pack for your kids on the plane

As published on Sunny Heart Travels website:


A bag of tricks and tips to entertain young minds across the miles (without screen-time!)

Keeping a surprise or two up your sleeve to help nurture your excitable yet exhausting kids is pass the parcel (I mean part and parcel) of becoming a parent! But the plane journey to your fun family holiday may have you worrying about having a whole bag of tricks, as magical as Mary Poppins, at the ready. Here are my five top travelling tricks and tips to pack for your little ones (without resorting to screen-time!) that will save you all the perils of boredom

TRICK 1: Happily ever after

For a mess and stress-free journey to your long-awaited family holiday, pack audio-books and comfortable headphones. There’s a whole world of adventure your little ones can start exploring, just with their ears and when sitting in one place!

TOP TIP: It’s worth taking a portable battery charger to avoid the next chapter becoming the kid’s compilation of tittle-tattle, tantrums and moans and groans on repeat!

TRICK 2: Stick to a plan

Pack sticker books to swap those telling-off blunders for jetting-off bliss. Peel and stick, peel and stick, over and over, can keep your kid’s mind happily buzzing, like a busy bee. Colourful mosaic pegboard puzzles for early learners are also absorbing ways to pass the time.

TOP TIP: Holiday-themed or travel-related sticker books will amuse your kids for longer, where they’ll gladly picture themselves on the sunny beach building sandcastles (and soon choosing their favourite ice-cream!)

TRICK 3: Play nicely

Before the boredom starts to creep in, play a kid’s card game together. A couple of packs are cheap, small and light to carry in your hand luggage, yet could easily fill up an hour along your journey.

TOP TIP: Choose pocket-size games that are magnetic. They’ll save stretching your back and struggling to find those lost pieces by your feet (without disturbing the passenger seated in front, of course!)

TRICK 4: Picasso on the plane

Beat boredom with a kaleidoscope of colouring books and a range of pencils with all colours of the rainbow. Or let your kids have fun sculpting with some silly-putty.

TOP TIP: Buy colouring pens and pencils with twist-lids, to stay on top of the mess! A travel-size etch-a-sketch will also entertain any artist in the making.

TRICK 5: Surprise!

We all know that kids looove presents and surprises! Pack a little toy (without breaking the bank) as a back-up plan. Even cheap party-bag toy fillers can become nuggets of treasure in a kid’s eyes! If it’s relevant to your holiday, even better… how about dolphin and shark figures, mermaid stickers, ocean life finger puppets, wacky sunglasses, a seaside pop-up storybook, a toy plane, pilot hat, pocket-size puzzle book or toy binoculars?

TOP TIP: Wrap in fun paper and hide it out of their sight as long as possible, to make the last part of the journey just as exciting as the first! Remember to pack another as a boredom buster on your flight home!

Now you have five tricks up your sleeve to help you all enjoy the journey… without keeping your eyes glued to your watch, with a Tick-tock, Hickory Dickory Dock! Time really does fly when you’re having fun!

© Copyright Author Kathryn Glover Sunny Heart Travel Ltd. 2019 to present day. All rights reserved.